Pink and Blue Chalk
Pink and Blue Chalk
Isn't that a lovely quilt? Susan Davis wrote to me last February asking which chalk she should try on it. It's not a very obvious answer because the fabric is light, and the colors have blues and pinks in them. I told her to try the Ultimate White (Iron-Off) first and, if it wasn't right, go to a color. I was speaking from experience. I've had great luck with the white on colors lighter than that taupe color, but I was wrong. I heard from her last week, and she sent more pictures, which showed areas where the white was basically invisible.
It's hard to judge a photograph, but as you can see, the chalk got lost on the corners of the block. I believe the transfer is light, and that's a contributing factor, but those medium shades and the lightest fabric in the block needed some extra help.
I explained the options to Susan as follows. Because the pink chalk would blend with the pinker colors of the block and the blue chalk would blend with the blues, it was decided that the blue was still the best choice. The blue fabric you see there should come out better with the white; it just needs to be put on heavier. The same is true with the gold, but the pink is pretty light. The lines could be more visible with the blue chalk rather than the pink chalk.
Sometimes you just have to narrow things down to those questions. The small corners that really needed a color chalk could benefit from either color. The tans will work fine with any color as well. Our decision was based on the other fabrics involved, specifically the blue and pink shades.
It's important to note that you don't have to use just one color on a stencil. As you transfer it, use white where it's needed and the appropriate color on the same repeat where necessary. Wipe off the excess as you go if necessary to keep your pads clean. This pattern is called the Mod Flower Box by Robin Pickins.
Susan, if you're reading this, I hope you'll send in a photo when you've finished quilting this beautiful quilt! And thank you for bringing up this question.