Three different approaches to quilting three different projects


Three different approaches to quilting three different projects


Three different approaches to quilting three different projects


I thought I would take this opportunity to present the last three projects I've been working on and use them as examples to show you some pointers and give you something to think about that you may not have considered. As I was looking through my GoPro footage and trying to decide what to focus on for this blog, I realized I had three things I've been documenting that are all very different, and I think you may find them interesting. Each of the three are in the sections below. 

Stencil Project #1 My Tiny Halloween Table Runner

It actually was a mistake in measurement for another project that I decided to make into something. I videotaped some of its construction. I am focusing on it first to highlight some basics of marking with our stencils.


Stencil Project #2

Same stencil, multiple projects!

More Left Over Halloween Fabric!

After finishing two table runners, I had a bit of my Halloween fabric left. I decided to do a third matching small project for an end table. My dining area and front room are combined. Matching Halloween projects give them a more coordinated look. I'm not much of an interior decorator, but I do know that much. After finishing this table cover I realized something. I explain below.

Marked and ready to sew!

I used stencil#30441, Royal Rings. It is one of the first large stencils we made years ago when all this began. I've always loved it. It's a lot of quilting, though, so be committed or leave it for small projects like this. Remember I mentioned I realized something after finishing this project? My discovery is this stencil, being fairly generic as far as theme yet still very interesting, is what I'm going to use on many more projects I want to create for this table. Because they will always be 16"x16", this stencil will always be a perfect fit! My next one will be Thanksgiving, then Christmas, and on and it will go. Simplicity, it's a good thing, and so is using up scraps.

Stitch Guide for 30441 Royal Rings There is an easy way and a hard way to sew this design. Choose the easy way.

Stencil Project #3

This last project I'm writing about is the wholecloth quilt I wanted to make out of linen fabric.  My linen fabric finally arrived, and from the moment I saw it, I knew it had to have the daisy background stencil quilted on it. I'm not sure why. I just knew that I knew. After I marked the first row, I tried to talk myself out of it because it was a lot of quilting, but I couldn't. So I began. The quilt itself is easy to make. It's two pieces of fabric! The pattern is intense, though. I decided to grab a stool at the longarm because the first row took some time. It's okay, I'm not in a hurry, and I happen to be lucky enough to love every process of making a quilt. Working on this has been something I look forward to each day. I try to do one row in the evenings. I should have it done in about three more days. I figure all the time I saved by not having to do any peicing can be spent on quilting it. I will expand into more complex layouts from here, but you have to start somewhere. I don't look at it as being boring because it's one repeated pattern. I look at it as having elegant simplicity. It's been fun; I encourage you to try it! As I've been quilting it, its name has made itself known to me. I've named it "He loves me, He loves me not." Below is a link to a video where you can watch a row get marked and sewn.


I hope you enjoyed this month's blog! I know I enjoyed writing it and making the videos and the projects. Fall is my favorite season and one reason is that I can go into my sewing studio after dark and after dark is earlier and earlier each day! 

Happy Quilting!




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