Four Essential Tips for Domestic Machine Quilting
Four Essential Tips for Domestic Machine Quilting
Quilting on a domestic sewing machine can a bit challenging. Though it can be a little difficult to fit the quilt within the small neck of the domestic machine, it doesn’t mean you can’t quilt on one. Many quilters, who don’t want to invest in longarm or mid-arm quilt machines, can effortlessly quilt bed-size quilts at home. If you want to know how they do it, get ready with your quilt supplies, and read the tips below we’ve shared.
Wear gloves
You must be thinking "What’s the point of wearing gloves?" You’re quilting, not gardening. The idea might not make sense to you but it’s extremely useful. The gloves provide a better grip on the fabric when you move it around. It also takes the weight off your shoulders and arms. If you notice your body tenses up when you start quilting, consider wearing gloves to see the difference. Your quilting will show a difference too in smooth, graceful lines.

Add tables
Chances are you keep your sewing machine on a table. When buying a longarm machine isn’t a feasible option, think of setting up additional tables. Take a good look at the length of the quilt to estimate how much additional tabletop area is needed around the sewing space. The larger the flat surface, the easier supporting the weight of the quilt is. Do you need a permanent table or convenient folding tables? That’s entirely up to you. If you’re limited on space, move your extra table into a corner. The quilt will bunch up in the corner rather than slip over the edge creating that drag.

A slippery surface
To make the quilt fabric easily glide across the table, without making you stop and adjust the quilt, create a slippery surface. Use a Teflon sheet over the area around the needle and tape it down to the table. Now you can easily place the quilt right over the top of it and simply glide across as you quilt.
Quilting takes time and patience, especially when you’re new to it. A large quilt may take several sessions to finish. Enjoy the process as much as the destination. Take breaks frequently and admire your progress.
Accomplishing a large quilt project with a domestic machine can seem challenging. Skill comes by doing. There have been many winners of big competitions around the country who wouldn’t quilt any other way. Make sure you have all the important supplies like bobbins, thread and quilt stencils for machine quilting, water, iced tea or maybe even a glass of wine with you before you start because as we know, these are essential to quilting! Don’t forget to smile as you quilt too! Have a great time!